Supporter Donation System

Vision has developed an excellent Supporter Donation System. It answers such questions as: How many people attended a particular function last year? What was the average donation? Whom do we invite to our next golf tournament or auction? It then prepares reports that can be presented to your fund raising committee for analysis. Projections and comparisons can help you fine tune each event.

In the supporter database each person attending a function is listed. Company affiliation and position are noted. Their contributions are tracked for each event. A hard copy of an individual donation or an entire event's donors can be generated at any time. Remember, an accurate database record of past fund raisers can prove to be invaluable when the push is on to generate funds for your next project.

The Supporter Donation System tracks all of the above and allows users to create mailing lists, print letters with Microsoft Word mail merge, print labels, envelopes and more!

* The Minimum Hardware Requirements for the Member Tracking System and Supporter Donation System software packages are:

* Supporter Donation System Requires Microsoft SQL Server 2017 or Higher (may be SQL Express) or higher.

Contact our office to discuss Local Area Network, Server and Cloud Based solution requirements. These requirements vary based on number of users.

Please Note that if you are calling Vision for support of our products that the MINIMUM requirement listed above need to be in place for the Member Tracking and Supporter Donation System in order for us to assist you with technical support.